Chapel Hill High School welcomed a new member to its administration on November 26.
Heather Hill, who had been an assistant principal at Grimsley High School in Greensboro since 2006, filled the assistant principal position left by Ileana Herrera earlier this year.
“I wanted to be involved in a top-notch school where teaching and learning are essential in the school and highly valued in the community,” Hill said. “I feel confident I can make a positive impact on student learning.”
Hill attended the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and received a bachelor of arts in biology and a masters’ degree in administration.
Prior to working for Grimsley High School, Hill taught biology for 13 years and received a Teacher of the Year award at Guilford College Middle College.
“I helped open the first Middle College in Guilford County on the campus of Greensboro College. I loved the fact that in a small setting, teachers can have a stronger impact on teaching the whole child,” Hill said.
Hill believes that high school is a crucial period for students’ academic and emotional growth.
“High school students are mini-adults. You can talk to them like real people and about real-life issues,” Hill said. “This is the educational setting where I feel the administration can have impactful conversations with students about their future plans.”
Hill worked alongside Principal Charles Blanchard at Grimsley for around four years, allowing Blanchard to see Hill’s strong work ethic firsthand.
“I met Ms. Hill when I became principal at Grimsley Senior High School in 2014,” Blanchard said. “When she learned about our vacancy, she reached out to me to let me know she wanted to apply and interview for the position.”
After years of collaboration with Hill, Blanchard knew that she was a great fit for Chapel Hill.
“Ms. Hill has an excellent work ethic. I’ve observed her working long hours to make sure her responsibilities are handled correctly. She also spends a lot of time attending arts and athletic events after regular school hours,” Blanchard said.
Hill’s background in education administration, as well as her “experiences as an administrator at Grimsley High School,” will “greatly benefit her at Chapel Hill,” according to Blanchard. “Ms. Hill has over 25 years of experience as a science teacher and school administrator. She has a wonderful ability to form great relationships with students, teachers and parents.”
Chapel Hill is lucky to now have Mr.Blanchard and Ms. Hill. Their gain is Guilford County’s loss